Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Senator Jim DeMint vows to reverse FCC’s Internet Power Grab

The Washington Examiner reported, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, says Federal Communications Commission should be renamed the "Fabricating a Crisis Commission," following a vote by the panel's three Democrats to approve proposed rules that amount to a hostile takeover of the Internet by a government agency acting illegally. Sen. DeMint said in a statement today: "... I intend to prevent the FCC or any government agency from unilaterally burdening our recovering economy with baseless regulation."
Senator-Elect Rand Paul, R-KY, says he will stand by Senator DeMint: "Unelected bureaucracies once again enacting rules, clearly overstepping their authority. Congress must stop this and other out of control federal agencies. I will join in this fight with Senator DeMint in 2011."
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